Hobbies, Passions, and Dreams: the main components of intellectual wealth

Hobbies, Passions, and Dreams: the main components of intellectual wealth

Hobbies, passions and dreams

Actions and activities that are done with desire are the building blocks of intellectual wealth. These activities can be anything, as long as you want to do them. As soon as you do not want to do an activity but feel forced to do it, it becomes a intellectual debt. Hobbies, passions, and dreams make up the main bulk of these activities.

Hobbies are the most basic contributor to intellectual wealth. Hobbies are activities that you like to do. A hobby can be anything, as long as you like to do it. One persons hobby may seem like a chore to another person. Some common hobbies may be reading, writing, exercising, playing sports, watching tv, gardening, shopping, volunteering, and on and on. The list can go on forever. This is a good thing, because there are so many potential hobbies everyone can develop many hobbies for building intellectual wealth.

Beyond a hobby an activity can become a passion. Passions are activities that you love to do. A passion contributes more to your intellectual wealth that a hobby done for the same amount of time. This is because your desire for a passion is much stronger. There can be some overlap between hobbies and passions. What separates them is that you usually want to do the passion more strongly and are usually much better than the average in doing it. Some examples of passions are, sports if you are a good athlete, music if you are a good musician, acting if you are good actor and so on. Just like hobbies the potential list is long, but you have to develop a passion more than a hobby. You have to work at improving your abilities to do the activities required for the passion. For example, an athlete has to practice a lot, learn things, and work hard so that he/she can become better that the average at his/her sport. Passions may require some innate ability and hard work of getting better and better at doing it.

Beyond passions are dreams. Activities driven by dreams are activities that you become almost devoted to. These type of activities contribute the most to your intellectual wealth. Dreams are not easy to come up with and even harder to follow through. They require the most imagination, innovation, ability, and effort. They are are the ultimate form of intellectual wealth.

In summary, hobbies, passions, and dreams contribute to your intellectual wealth in an increasing fashion. You should try to have a lot of hobbies, some passions, and if possible a dream or two. This will insure a large amount of intellectual wealth and satisfactory fulfillment of your mental necessities. Remember, this all requires time. You need time to develop these, and time to actually do them regularly in your life. Only then will your mental necessities be fulfilled.


What hobbies, passions, and dreams do you have? Please comment below.


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