Social Wealth Calculator


How to calculate your net social wealth:

1. Think of each person(family members, relatives, friends, coworkers, supervisors, etc.) that you can directly interact with (face to face, phone, or internet). Each of these is considered a social connection. Close pets can also be a social connection.

2. For each social connection(person) fill in.

  • From -10 to 10: How deep/close the connection is and whether it is negative or positive. Extremely deep +really hate: -10, very deep+dislike a lot: -8, deep+dislike: -5, somewhat deep+dislike a little:-3, barely deep+barely dislike: -1). Exactly neutral would be 0. barely deep+ barely like:1, somewhat deep+like a little: 3, deep+like: 5, very deep+like a lot: 8, extremely deep+really love: 10. These are example numbers but the number can be anything from -10 to 10. Also, people you feel exactly 0 for do not need to be added.

After filling all of your connections leave the rest at 0’s. Your total net social wealth will be displayed a the bottom.

What does the final number mean? Below are general categories to get a feel of what the number means:

  • less than -50: way too much social debt
  • -50 to -20: too much social debt
  • -20 to 0: some social debt
  • 0 to 20: good start on social wealth accumulation
  • 20 to 50: can feel good about your social wealth situation
  • 50 to 100: a very good amount of social wealth
  • 100 to 200: A very high amount of social wealth
  • 200 to 300: very close to a full level of social wealth. Accumulating further social wealth will only add small increments to your actual total wealth.

If you have calculated your net social wealth above, it would be greatly appreciated if you would please add a comment below with your net social wealth number and the answer to this question: on a scale of 0 to 10, how satisfied do you feel that your social emotional needs in life are being met?(10-very satisfied to 0-not at all). No need to put name or any other information. These numbers will be used to fine tune the above categories and make a summary graph of where people are in their social wealth situation.


1 Comment on “Social Wealth Calculator

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    Thank you

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