The relationship between happiness and wealth
I think it is safe to say that most of us want to be happy compared to not happy, and most of us want to be wealthy rather than not wealthy. But, what is the relationship between these two? In …
I think it is safe to say that most of us want to be happy compared to not happy, and most of us want to be wealthy rather than not wealthy. But, what is the relationship between these two? In …
How to calculate your net social wealth: 1. Think of each person(family members, relatives, friends, coworkers, supervisors, etc.) that you can directly interact with (face to face, phone, or internet). Each of these is considered a social connection. Close pets …
How to calculate your net intellectual wealth: 1. Think of each of your major activities (job duties, hobbies, chores, passions, exercise, etc.) that you can do or have to do. 2. For each activity fill in. From -10 to 10: …
How to calculate your net economic wealth: Think of all your assets and add up their value. Put this number in the assets field. Add up all of your debts and put this number in the debt field. What …
Although a few rare people can get beyond happiness, nearly everyone else wants an overall happy and satisfying life. Happiness is not a single emotion but is an umbrella term used for the group of emotional states that we consider …
Social wealth is the total value of the resources that you have to meet your social or emotional needs. It is one of the three main parts of total wealth. Social connection is the currency of social wealth. A social …
Intellectual wealth is the total value of the resources you have to meet your individual human intellectual desires. Individual action is the currency of economic wealth. Individual actions can be defined as activities that you do, can do, or have …
Economic wealth is the total value of the resources you have to meet your physical or material needs. Money is the currency of economic wealth. So all of these resources can be interconverted through money. These resources include the value …